Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Emoji Remix Flex

January 20, 2021

I decided to redo some of my most used emojis back in April last year. I asked friends and followers on IG if they had any special requests and included those.

I then went and made these into stickers and have been using them on WhatsApp. You can download the Sticker Maker pack here.

I mostly just use the unicorn and the eggplant.

I have also been compiling a list of emojis we need (well I need) but don’t have. Once I figure out how to get them into android/ios/whatsapp/signal, etc I’ll make them.

There’s a story behind this guy. The Steve Jobs of mattresses as I call him.

Since moving to HK over 4 years ago now, I often find myself being followed by this man (and not just me). He doesn’t follow me in the conventional way since he’s always pasted to the side of buses.

He will however appear when I least expect and always look down at me from the bus with a mixture of confusion, disapproval and superiority. I’m amazed that one look can convey so much. It’s like Magnum, Le Tigre, Ferrari and Blue Steel all in one.

Why do you stare at me DeRucci man? What to you want from me?


March MODOK Madness Again

March 25, 2016

It’s March MODOK Madness again, and it’s been a while since I’ve done one so this year I have done two, one of which is slightly topical. I’ll let you decide which.

You can find them here and here or just have a look below. I even went one better and created a little gif breaking down the steps.

Trump ModokModok-Process-Gif-c


How To Be A Klingon Male

January 27, 2016

Men (and women): You may, in your encounters on the world wide interweb have come across articles or posts telling you how to be a better man.

These revelations, no doubt will have been compiled by keyboard jockeys, self styled lifestyle gurus and other radicals seeking to destabilise our way of life with their never ending torrents of bullshit that needlessly over complicate things.

Seriously, who writes this shit? #17? And 18? Fack awff. Well, it got me thinking and I figured one can be as macho, metro sexual or handy with power tools as they want, it doesn’t matter how manly you think you are because ultimately you are not Klingon. And as we all know that’s about as manly as things get next to a carniverous gun toting beard that was born to kill.

Seeing as that is an unrealistic aspiration for even the best of us, as a remedy I put together this Klingon self help video. Don’t thank me, I’m just doing my bit to improve the world.


Hobbit Perfume Advert

May 6, 2015

Just a quick one because I don’t think this video needs much explanation. It requires a little though so I’ll write the article Buzzfeed style because I know you’re all busy ‘on the go’ types that don’t have time to read proper sentences.

1) So


2) I made this video as a parody

3) like, a joke, a piss take

4) of the Charlize Theron Dior adverts. Infact that’s where I got the audio from.

5) If you’ve seen The Hobbit: Battle of The Five Armies you’ll know what I’m talking about.

6) (insert appropriate gif here)

7) Just watch the video, I can’t even…



Time is the Key Ingredient

February 16, 2015

I have really been neglecting this blog, I feel like a bad parent. I know it’s there, I’m just not giving it the attention it deserves for whatever extraneous reasons.

You may remember (or you may not) the Lars Andersen: a new level of archery video that went viral towards the end of January.

Ben Green and I thought it would be a good idea and exercise to parody it.

Most videos that go viral have about a week where they’re being talked about and passed around the public arena. After that everyone moves onto the next one and ceases to care. Sometimes you’ll get a parody of the video a week after and people will start passing that about but beyond that I’m not sure if people revisit those things.

This issue means the video not only has to be made in a very short space of time but it also has a short shelf life (in theory). Additionally, in order for people to be made aware of the parody, the video would have to be shamelessly and intensely promoted online for it to be seen by anyone.

Unless of course the video is made by a big company with a large fan base and/or links to the press. By the time Ben and I got round to shooting our parody four days had passed and the original was on 16million views, I was working on a freelance job and so time wasn’t particularly on our side.

We both, came up with a bunch of ideas and gags from watching the video, combined them into a rough structure and spent half a day shooting things involving lacing shoes that we thought would be funny. In the evening, I only had a few hours to edit the thing and then record the narration which Ben wrote and I riffed on and I think that’s where it came together.

I don’t think you need to see the source material to enjoy our little video (but you should and it would help) and I also think it works outside the influence of its origins. I just wish I had, had time to promote the shit out of it on twitter, etc.


Japanese Doctor Who

August 14, 2014

I love the internet, one minute you can be looking for something the next you’re seeing something else you never would have expected to simply because that’s where the adventure has led you.

That’s exactly what happend about four years ago, little did I know where it would eventually lead me or what it would lead me to.

There’s a whole subculture of remixes, parodies and homages to horrible (and good) film rip offs and that’s ultimately where this video will end up, in that wonderfully bizarre corner of the internet. For the moment and as of writing this post it has enjoyed (as have I) 15 seconds of internet viral stardom.

I was going to write a nice little post going into more detail but Wired and Henshin Justice have already done such a wonderful job it’s just easier to link you to them instead.


See Tom Cruise Run – Support the Cause!

May 22, 2014

I noticed that it has been a while since I last posted anything. This is probably because I have been posting doodles over here on an almost daily basis. Well that’s going to change. I’m going to be going back to the blog and putting stuff on my flickr too.

The main purpose of this post is to get people subscribed to the facebook page I have just launched for my first book ‘See Tom Cruise Run‘ which is now complete (please like it and share). I will be creating a kickstarter soon in order to raise the funds to print it. Unsuprisingly the book occupies a morally grey area that publishers don’t want to go near because unlike me they feel that they have something to lose.

To help spread the word please tweet about it, reblog, share the links with everyone and anyone you think might be interested in a humorous book about Tom Cruise running. Any help is appreciated. #seetomcruiserun #livedierepeat #liverunrpeat

See Tom Cruise Run - Edge of Tomorrow - Joshua Kahan


Black Hay – I Feel Something

February 14, 2014

I thought I would share a video that I worked on for Black Hay since today, February 14th 2014 aka Valentines day is the day it is released as a single.

I can’t remember how we ended up with the idea for the video (usual way I guess) but Lot in Sodom was quite an influence. Watch and enjoy, any questions put ’em in the comments section.


The Outrage Book Cover

January 28, 2014

I finished this one off at 4am with an eyegraine and in dire need of sleep.

the outrage Book

In case you were wondering, no, the book is not real. It is as fictional as the author. I can however reveal an excerpt from the book but don’t tell the publishers (wink, wink):

‘She was outraged.

There she stood on the threshold of the dining room in what she once belived was her home, her beautiful home, to find Michael, the Daschund making love to her grand piano.

The rage took hold and she screamed. She screamed loudly.

It was like an earthquake.’

Why do I do this stuff?


Run, Run as Fast as You Can, You Can’t Catch Me I’m Tom Cruise Man.

January 2, 2014

Things are taking a little longer than I had originally and optimistically anticipated. Having said that they’re still going and they’re going well unlike the ungodly experiments the scientists that produced this monstrosity are involved in:

Botched Tom Cruise Clone - Joshua Kahan

I had to take a short break.

The work sessions were never ending and days/weeks/months were running (see what I did there?) into one another. My concept of time was nonexistent and I completely lost all touch with reality.

It had gotten to the point where I would conclude sessions really feeling affected by the beauty of Tom Cruises’ face. At one point I considered getting some form of transformative surgery in order to make myself into him. When I closed my eyes all I could see was his face. Hell I was going to change my name to Tom Cruise it got that intense.

Still, it’s not as bad as the time I spent a whole summer indoors animating David Hasselhoff in just a leather jacket and underpants to Prince. Dark times.

Aaaaanyway the point is it will take a little longer for me to finish even if it costs me my sanity.
