Posts Tagged ‘character’

March Modok Madness

March 25, 2013

March is March Modok Madness just like November is Movember and January is Fanuary. Such are the times that we live in.

Modok, for all that don’t know is a a Marvel character created by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee. As a result of his head being so large his body is unable to support its weight and so he has to skoot around in a hover chair. On the plus side he can do a whole bunch of things like shoot mind blasts and generate force fields with his mind!

Stuff like that.

Oh and his name is an acronym: Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing. What does yours stand for?


My two of my sumbissions for 2013 can be found here and here and recieved a nice little write up. For those too lazy to click the links here they are:



Adventures in 3D using Zbrush

April 24, 2012

I must say i’m not a big fan of 3D, what I mean by that is I’m not a fan of doing it, or I haven’t been.

I had some classes at university but I found it a bit dry and didn’t enjoy them much. Probably because it didn’t match up to anything I was doing at the time or wanted to do. Namely drawing.

As I’m sure you know I like to draw.

Zbrush was always intriguing to me since it seemed to be like drawing and sculpting it also looked easy (rather than building virtual lego, using maths and playing around with different confusing tabs and sliders in Maya or 3DS Max). I was intimidated by the deceptively complex interface.

Last week I started doing some Z brush tutorials on from the beginning. I was pleasantly suprised with the results.

Here is my first attempt:

Is it just me or does the first one look a bit like Michael Winner?

And my second, the following day:

This is an as of yet unfininshed 3D bust of a character I created in early 2007: The Frankenstein Vampire Cowboy©. I’m going to be working on him a bit more in the coming months.

It’s amazing what you can do once you get the hang of an interface.

I think the problem with learning a new program is getting it to do the things you want it to do. Skill is transferable, which I guess is reassuring. I don’t feel 100% comfortable with the interface yet, given a little time, not as much as one might think. I reckon a week or two of tutorials and playing around would leave one feeling pretty confident.

There are some great things made in Zbrush on CGhub ch-check it.


Captain Kirk Cartoon Tribute

April 3, 2012

In case you haven’t seen it, Amok Time is one of the classic and most iconic Star Trek episodes of the Original Series.

In short Spock has to get laid or he’ll die.

After Spock starts behaving out of character, Doc ‘Bones’ McCoy examines him and then has a chat with the Captain.

McCoy says to Kirk ‘If you don’t get him to Vulcan within a week eight days at the outside, he’ll die. He’ll die, Jim.

To which Kirk responds in classic Shatner style: Why must…he die? Why…. within eight days? Explain.

I loved that bit so I made a drawing of it.

I couldn’t find the exact clip online so you’ll just have to make do with you imaginations and a compressed version of the episode if you’re not hardcore enough to watch it in full somewhere else.


I’m sick of George Lucas.

March 12, 2012

George Lucas clearly has no artistic integrity because not only can’t he leave well enough alone, he has to pimp out these wonderful characters that I and many others love.

Who here wants to see Chewbacca selling shampoo? I don’t. But it’s inevitable.

I saw these Vodafone ads and was angry. I didn’t cry, I’m past the disappointment. I’m just so full of rage.


R2D2 and C3PO selling electronics disappointing, but I see what you’ve done there.

Darth Vader sellig PCs at christmas…you’ve lost me.

Yoda? Phones? WTF? Oh wait, I see it…You’ve got some 3D version of Ep1 The Phantom Menace coming out and you want to reinforce the mass perception of a CGI yoda over the puppet one you replaced in the film. Very nice. Very Clever. Vodaphone. Genius.

(I’ve altered these a little in order to bring out the true meaning of the ad campaign)

It’s an interesting debate as to whether an artist should be allowed to change their work once it’s in the public domain. The way I see it, once it’s out there in the public it has been given. You don’t take back gifts from people just like you don’t take back art and alter it.

What Lucas clearly doesn’t realise is Star Wars is bigger than him. Sure he started it but he had a huge team working on the original films so sole creative credit should not go to him.

Star Wars to me is a lot like a beautiful woman with a great personality, a couple of spots and a slight lisp.

It’s love at first sight, she’s perfect. However one day a few years down the line she gets a boob job, you don’t mind this so much because you like big fake boobs. Still it’s not enough for her and gets a nose job and a facelift.

You tolerate this because you love and tell her she doesn’t need it and that she was perfect before. Then you notice that her lisp is gone. You didn’t realise how much you loved that lisp, it’s silly really but it gave her character.

She then goes and gets a sex change. Several surgeries, some hormone treatment and a clothes change later you find that she’s not the person you fell in love with originally. Not only does she look alien and sound different but her personality has changed somewhat too. Having said that you still care for her because love knows no bounds and she is the mother of your children.

You soon learn that it has been her father who has been manipulating into changing herself because all he’s ever wanted in life is a son and hs wife has only given him daughters.

Furthermore he’s been messing around with science and has attempted to clone her in order to start over, but the cloning process was imperfect and he has created a severely mentally and phsyically handicapped mutant female child with possible psychic powers.

Now any sane person would have the father put away somewhere he could do no harm, yet he seems to be roaming free. It won’t be long now before we see the fruits of his unholy experiments lord help us all…


p.s.One Star Wars film in 3D will be released a year until 2017.

Flash to Photoshop – Importing Flash Animations Into Photoshop

September 25, 2011

I have made a really basic no frills guide to getting animation work from Adobe Flash into Photoshop.


Here’s why…

Both programs have their strengths and weaknesses: Flash is easy to use, quick to animate in and it’s simple to change the timings or order of images around. It only has two ‘brushes’ the pencil tool and the brush, giving only a few options in terms of the lines you can get if you include the four or so style options the pencil tool has. In Photoshop you can use brushes and create your own if you want, there are unlimited possibilities. However animating in photoshop is a clunky and doesn’t flow well.

Here is a way of combining the best of both worlds.

One can use Flash for the basic animation; whether this is just simple shapes or really rough drawings, like in the 1st or 2nd stages of the character development in image below.

When one is satisfied with the animation exporting a png sequence and importing it into Photoshop is simple. Once in photoshop there are any number of options from brushes, colour or textures…and more! (I can stress that enough) For instance a just going over the rough work with a brush tool (taking the character to the 3rd stage as seen in the image above) makes a hell of a difference, just experiment.

The guide I have made HERE simply shows you one way of transferring work from Flash to Photoshop.


Supernaut re designs

January 22, 2010

Just been doing some character re-designs for my final major project. Still not quite there, I just can’t seem to get away from drawing cute stuff.

